Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One of those days ~

Today is just not my day I guess. Everything don't seem to work out no matter what I do. I tried studying for my test tomorrow but the progress is just tardy. I felt a slight earthquake tremor just now and that was the highlight of the day ~ pretty lame. =S For some reason today, I feel emotional and start thinking about lots of things and I realized that all these years I have been trying to verify my existence by proving to others that I am happy with my life but for some reason I just feel down when I think about it. When I really gave it some thought, I realized that do not need to prove anything to anyone. This is why I admire people who just do what they like and don't give a damn what other people think of them or their action. Thumbs up to those people all around the world, I salute you. I also feel lonely at the same time. I guess I just want someone to acknowledge my existence and to appreciate me for who I am. I just want someone to give me a big hug and tell me: "It's okay, everything will be alright. You don't need to change who you are because I like you just the way you are." This will certainly put a smile on my face and brighten my day without a doubt. How I wish I had someone to share my joys and bear my griefs with me. Certainly it will be much easier and less of a burden getting through the obstacles and challenges that life throws at me. It's either having someone special or just living in your own world where nothing else matters but that is a little sad too unless of course you enjoy long moments of solitude.